Saturday, October 29, 2011

feeling alone in your struggle(s)??

So, I went to bed thinking of all I didn't put in here...but its my blog and I can write at any time, right?

I couldn't help thinking about those dealing with a diagnosis of thyroid cancer...any cancer...any struggle they are dealing with in their lives...

My question is.."Where do you find hope to keep going?" 

First of all, I am not one to force someone to believe in what I believe in, but I do believe I NEVER was alone in this entire struggle...and you are not either.

Believe me, there were times when all of my support would leave...stop texting or calling...stop sending cards...etc. This will and may be happening to you in what you are going through.

Even when the sun goes down and you are alone in your apartment, bedroom, kitchen...anywhere, I promise, you are NEVER alone...

how do I know, you ask?

Let me begin with this...

"...the Lord your God goes with you, He will never leave you, nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

Read that again...go ahead, I'll wait..........

still waiting....

How amazing is that? Seriously? Someone you've never met face to face will NEVER leave you...never!

Even when you've hit rock bottom and feel like you cannot get up or when you at the top of the world...God is always there....

"My God, He was....My God, He is...My God is always going to be." (Aaron Shust)

Again, I do not want to push anyone into my beliefs and faith... I am not that person...but again..

What or who do you run to in those desperate times? Really? I want to know...

I, seriously....seriously could not have made it without firmly knowing that I had the Ultimate support team with me every step of the way...from the first day of being diagnosed with Vertigo and all the way to my RAI-131 treatment....

Every second of the day...I had someone right there with me. I didn't feel all "giddy" and amazing everyday...believe me, I am a girl...and I need good crying moments sometimes. Always been that way....

There were nights that I found myself losing my vision and feeling hopeless...when there was no answer for months...I would cry and lay in bed thinking, why me? Why me, Lord?

Then I thought about a high school friend who lost his mother to cancer and I remember hearing her say...

Why NOT me? ...................................Who am I that I think I shouldn't have to go through something crazy? so selfish of me, right? So from this realization and on....if I felt like I was NEVER going to find relief, I would think to my self....

Why NOT me? Maybe one day, someone can find strength through my struggles...and that's how I had to live each day.

It was God and me....(along with my support team...that had multiplied so much...) I know I shouldn't rely on worldly support (i.e. family, friends...N.G....etc)...but they were praying to God just as I was to find answers.

"But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint." Isaiah 41:17

"they will not grow weary...they will walk..." wow....God is amazing. Isn't he?

Even through everything...every struggle, every night I went to bed crying, every day my stress from work would increase, every day I felt like... I am going to have to settle with this and deal with this for the rest of my life....yes, I am 24-25 years old...but I guess this is it...


"Haven't I commanded you; be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

What a MIGHTY God we serve.....

In conclusion...whatever struggle you are going through...cancer, drugs, other diseases, alcoholism, anything...remember, even at your weakest moments, you are NEVER...ever...ever...alone.

"The Lord's unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in Him." Psalm 32:10

1 comment:

  1. katie craig...i am absolutely blown away with what the Lord's done & continuing to do in your life. so grateful you've clung to Him & are proclaiming His faithfulness to everyone watching. you're awesome & i love you!
