Friday, October 28, 2011

entering the next phase...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

So, my entire thyroid is gone... still facing thyroid cancer treatment.

Still have an amazing support team...

I am on Cytomel 50mcg to "replace" my missing thyroid. (I started out in Synthroid 75 mcg and was changed to Cytomel, per my ENT's orders.)

I get a call telling me that my new best friend (endocrinologist) will be calling me with my new patient consultation appointment...

Not a day later, I get the call and have my appointment set up. I have the paperwork sent to me; I fill it out; and I wait for my appointment.

I begin reading about thyroid cancer (all levels and treatment...etc). A high school friend's mother went through this years before and recommended GREAT website for support and answers!

1. I learn more about the RAI-131 treatment (radioactive iodine).
2. I learn that I will probably be on a low-iodine diet before and after the treatment.
3. I learn the diet will stink....

Okay, this will seem fast, but...
October 4, 2011 rolls around and I meet Dr. Brennan, my endocrinologist. My dad comes with me to hear it for himself...(haha, have to know my dad).

Anyway, Dr. Brennan has me go through the entire story from the beginning and takes notes. He is in awe of how young I am to go through 3 major surgeries in less than a year!

He explains that he will need to view all of my ultrasound and CT scan pics before receiving my treatment.

Treatment: Because the 1st surgery came back as malignant, I will undergo what is referred to as RAI-131 (radioactive iodine treatment-131 is the dosage). It is specifically for those with thyroid cancer. Your thyroid "soaks" up iodine entered into your body and, basically, this "therapy" will kill any left over thyroid cells in my body. This will allow better monitoring, since  I will be on thyroid meds for the rest of my life. It will also help monitor if anything comes back. (not really sure how thyroid cancer comes back when there isn't a thyroid...but anyway...)

He also bases a lot of his decisions on peer-reviewed and evidence-based research! :) :) :) :) :) :) This makes me happy.

He tells me that RAI-131 is a very high dose of radiation and there is research that shows that giving a dose of 131 will have the same effect as giving a lower dose..AND excrete less radiation into our world! Not even 3-5 years ago, doctors were still giving RAI-131 to all patients with thyroid cancer, but research started saying..."hey, you can give a lower dose, and it do what it needs to do."

Trusting the new best friend here...and research....and God. this is October 4, 2011 (not really...but the appointment was)...
In 7 days, I stop my Cytomel (thyroid meds).
In 14 days, I start my low-iodine diet.
In 16 days, I get blood work to see if my body is ready for the treatment.
In 17 days, I see Dr. Brennan again.

This brings us to October 21, 2011...4 days before 4 of low-iodine diet.

Diet tips later...I am sleepy.

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